How to Perform the Straight Leg Dead Lift

Apr 21, 2010
How to Perform the Straight Leg Dead Lift

Proper form is the key!!!

The Dead lift, one of the classics, but are you doing this classic justice or are you setting yourself up to have one of your vertebrate ripped from your spine. I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that the second option doesn't sound like a whole lot of fun; it actually sounds more like a whole lot of PAIN!

Pay Attention!

To begin the Straight Leg Dead lift stand with both feet Shoulder width apart. Hold the Barbell in front of you and place your hands about shoulder width apart from one another while holding the bar. Keeping your knees slightly bent (not locking the legs) bend down as far as you can keeping the bar close to your legs as you descend. Be sure that your back is flat and not 'hunched' and your chest is pushed out. Do not keep your head up. Keep the head neutral throughout the movement. Stretch down as far as you can keeping perfect form without using your back or rolling the shoulders forward and come back up to the starting position.

Lower Back AND Hammys, what a deal!

The Straight Leg Dead lift is not only helpful to strengthen up your erector spinae (lower back) but according to a study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning it is much more effective than the Back Squat in Hamstring development. Overall adding the Straight Leg Dead lift to your arsenal of exercises is a very wise move. Whether you are working to strengthen your lower back from injuring it in the future or working on tightening up the ol’ Gluteus Maximus (Buns) to look good in your new jeans you can not go wrong with the Dead lift.

Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 1999, 13(2), 168–174

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