Being Diabetic and taking supplements

Hello, I am a 35 year old diabetic that has been an avid weight lifter for years. I have always wanted to take my training up to the next level but with being a Diabetic I can never find anyone that can give me the right information as to what kind of supplements I can take and what to stay away from. I know that I can’t take Mass Gainers or creatine, but what can I take for protein, recovery, and all around training. I have always heard that a bodybuilding lifestyle if a great complement to being diabetic and I have looked for training and even athletes that can help me but I have struck out each time. Can you help me in the right direction and get me to fill the potential that I have heard all these years that I have? Thank you so much for your time and I look forward to your response.

Hey, your question is really on point, but I am not the person to ask, I know nothing about being Diabetic.

I just googled diabetic bodybuilding and a million things came up. Maybe you can start there/




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