new routine

what is a good workout routine I’m 44,male and have been working out on and off for years I work one body part a day.I do chest mon,shoulders tue, back wed,biceps thur,triceps fri, legs sat.I’m looking for something different,then the same old routine.Thanks

Q: what is a good workout routine I’m 44,male and have been working out on and off for years I work one body part a day.I do chest mon,shoulders tue, back wed,biceps thur,triceps fri, legs sat.I’m looking for something different,then the same old routine.Thanks

A: A good workout routine is one where you feel like training hard each time you come to the gym. If you don’t feel like training hard you should first try and evaluate if you are: 1) overtraining, which could be from not enough full days AWAY from the gym, or 2) doing the same exercises for each bodypart which can lead to boredom or stagnation.

As an outsider without much information on your diet or exercise scheme, I think you could benefit from training fewer days each week, and putting a few bodyparts together into one workout day.

Try this:

Monday & Thursday—Chest, Shoulders, Back and Abs—Pick one exercise per bodypart, since there is crossover work for shoulders when doing chest and back. Do 6 sets of each exercise for 10-12 reps. Rest no more than 45 seconds between sets and make sure you do a count of 4 on the negative portion of each rep.

Tuesday & Friday—-Biceps, Triceps, Quads and Calves––Do 6 sets of each exercise for 10-12 reps. Rest no more than 45 seconds between sets and make sure you do a count of 4 on the negative portion of each rep.

Each week do a different exercise for each bodypart until you complete 6 weeks on this split. Then you can start another cycle in similar fashion except this time do 7 sets of 8-10 reps for each exercise.

This program combines the focus of one exercise, the variety in changing exercises each week, and the recovery power that comes from complete days away from the gym. You are also progressively doing more volume for each exercise/bodypart without over doing it.

Not that you old by any means, but being that you are now in your 40’s it seems to me you should take Wednesday, Saturday and Sundays off completely to recharge your mind and body.



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