Arm Workout

I have a question.. If my workout for biceps is like this, what exercise should I do on first, and if I’m going to do barbell curl on first, which biceps head is my focus, the long or short?

  1. for long head
  2. for short
  3. brachialis

If my workout for triceps is like this: what exercise should I do first exercise and which triceps head is my focus on first exercise the long or lateral? if I’m going to do close grip bench press is that ok to do even that exercise is for lateral head, and is that the partner of barbell curl, if I"m going to do close grip beanch press, which biceps head should be my focus on first exercise if I’m going to do barbell curl.

  1. for long head
  2. for lateral
  3. medial

Q:I have a question.. If my workout for biceps is like this, what exercise should I do on first, and if I’m going to do barbell curl on first, which biceps head is my focus, the long or short?

  1. for long head
  2. for short
  3. brachialis

If my workout for triceps is like this: what exercise should I do first exercise and which triceps head is my focus on first exercise the long or lateral? if I’m going to do close grip bench press is that ok to do even that exercise is for lateral head, and is that the partner of barbell curl, if I"m going to do close grip beanch press, which biceps head should be my focus on first exercise if I’m going to do barbell curl.

  1. for long head
  2. for lateral
  3. medial

A: Much of the specific muscle stress that comes from different movements is directly linked to hand spacing/position. If you do barbell curls with a medium shoulder width grip you will effectively stress both the long and short heads. If you use a closer grip (about 6” apart) you will hit the long head, and a wider grip (as wide as you can go anatomically) targets the short head. The long head work typically improves the peak of the bicep and the short head increases thickness. To hit the brachioradialis, most experts agree that an undergrip (palms up) or even thumbs up will effectively target this muscle which lies in between your bicep and tricep when your arm hangs freely.

To hit the triceps long head, most experienced trainees opt for one arm overhead DB presses. When you have the weight overhead, it reduces the power in the lateral head and puts the stress on the long head. I like to press (rep) on DB whereby the bell is facing away from my body, not straight up and down.

To hit the lateral head, dips and close grip bench presses work wonders. If you do dips, make sure you keep your head high and forefinger straight ahead (no curved angle)

The medial head reverse bench presses with a close grip will fry that area.

Good Luck

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