Unusual work out tips

Hi Lisa, I am a disabled veteran and need bilateral hip replacement. Replacement will be delayed for a few month. I can no longer work. At this point, I cant even put my own socks on. I’m gaining weight and pain has kept me from the gym. I know, no excuse. Any ab, diet, upper body and stretching tips would be great. Im tired of feeling lazy, tired and sorry for my self. ANY help would be greatly appreciated!


Andrew Laney

Hi Andrew, Find a gym that has the Johnny G Krank Cycle—LOVE this machine! it is an amazingly challenging upper body workout — both resistance work and cardio! You are in need for a physical challenge, as well as a must-needed jump start to your mental state. Never underestimate the power of swimming or hydro therapy, which is amazingly beneficial rehab program for injury. Keep your diet clean and start feeling thankful that you want to make things better! Hang in there!