Starting all over again???

After 10 years off and now 40 years old, I am looking to get back into the gym. Marriage, kids, work and injuries (torn bicep tendon, broken collar bone and two knee surgeries) have interfered with working out and now I am disgusted with myself.

I was a State Champion Wrestler at 155 pounds and played LaCrosse in College at 175 pounds. 15 years later I am a fat 220 pounds and out of shape.

I want to get started but know I will experience fatigue and I do not want to start too quickly.

Any sugestions for a 5 day workout plan.

Well the easiest thing for me to suggest would be for you to click at the top where it says My Workouts and start following the plan that I built for your profile. If you answered the questions accurately, the Trainer truly has all the answers for you. I myself follow my own plan and havent missed a beat with reaching any of my goals I set for myself. Good luck and let me know how it goes.