Mike McErlane - Training/Technique

Mike earned 2 Bachelor Of Science Degrees, one in Sports Medicine with and emphasis in Athletic Training, and another in Kinesiology with an emphasis in Biomechanics and Education from California Lutheran University. During his undergrad, he played 4 years of college football and served as the head student athletic trainer for the Men's Basketball Team and Nationally ranked Baseball Program. Upon graduation, he re-tore his ACL at a training camp with the Los Angeles Arena Football Team, The Avengers in 2002. He then sought out earning numerous Training Certifications including the NSCA-CSCS. In 2002 he started building this website WorkoutTrainer.com,(at that time, named athomepersonatrainer.com, then became Muscleandfitnesstrainer.com after a licensing deal was reached in 2008 with Weider Publications), Co-founded JimStoppani.com along with Dr. Jim Stoppani in 2008, and has been in the fitness and supplement industry for over 12 years. He started working for the Print Publications Muscle & Fitness, FLEX, and Muscle & Fitness Hers Magazines in 2003 and helped run Joe Weider's Mr. Olympia Bodybuilding Contest each year from 2003-2013. In 2008 he created and ran the original platform for MuscleandFitness.com, launched the Weider Publications websites in 2008, and managed them until the end of 2013. In addition to managing the editorial content, and advertising for MuscleandFitness.com, he ran the Training Video Series Workout 101 on muscleandFitness.com and workouttrainer.com and had featured monthly columns in Muscle & Fitness magazine. Currently, he runs WorkoutTrainer.com, working once again alongside with Dr. Jim Stoppani to help manage JimStoppani.com and JYM Supplement Science.
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Legs Chest and Arms Band Workout
Mar 23, 2016
Increase your results with this band only workout
The Mint Conditioning Workout
Mar 21, 2016
A new Program that will give great results! Train Like an Athlete!
Sports Specific Blast!
Dec 03, 2015
One of my favorite phases in the Sports Specific Lifestyle is this workout...
The Great Leg Day!
Jun 17, 2015
If you want to add size and Strength to your legs, this is your plan
Answered Questions
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Cardio Before or After
Mar 21, 2011
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BIcep Heads
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Your arms?
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rugged rotation
Mar 16, 2011
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