Joe Weider-A Legend and Mentor to The Fitness Industry Passes
Mar 23, 2013

Joe Weider Passes Away, Sad Day for Fitness and Bodybuilding
Today is Saturday March 23rd. Today is a day that will live in my mind and millions of others as one of the saddest days. Joe Weider at 93 years of age passed away early this morning at 4:30am from heart failure. Joe for me personally was a man that I will never forget. I worked under the House that Joe Built, Weider Publications. In the 10 years as a Weider employee I will never forget the first time I met Joe or the last time we spoke. I thought it very adequate to show all of the fans of fitness whom may not have known that the heart beat of the fitness industry was initiated by Joe Weider the place where it all started where I had the privilege of working in the same space as the Legend himself. We love you Joe and I will never forget the last words you said to me, "You do It and don't let anyone stop you if you have a dream." Thank you Joe. Watch until the very end as I give a picture tribute to Joe's office
It was December 15th 2002. I walked into the Front entrance of this new facility that this Hawaiian guy I met at the gym asked me to come visit months earlier. Today was my first day on the Job. How to think that it will be my 9 year anniversary here tomorrow and it comes without being in the same Building is definitely a somber moment. Not just ANY building. THE building. The Vatican of fitness, the Church of Bodybuilding where many would be fitness gurus and professionals came to get the blessing of the Man of modern day fitness, the God-Father of Bodybuilding, the one and only Joe Weider.
A few weeks ago I had the pleasure, as I have had many before speaking with Joe about a few things in his office. Sure as you would expect, I will never forget it he always plugs in the comment "You know I still Train". Got to love and admire this man for not just the wonderful person he is, but the accomplishments he had and we all have him to thank for most of ours. This video I dedicate to Joe Weider.
A few weeks ago I had the pleasure, as I have had many before speaking with Joe about a few things in his office. Sure as you would expect, I will never forget it he always plugs in the comment "You know I still Train". Got to love and admire this man for not just the wonderful person he is, but the accomplishments he had and we all have him to thank for most of ours. This video I dedicate to Joe Weider.