Plyometric Training. Why you should do it.

The basics of Plyometric Training and why it is a must!
Plyo-metric Exercises
Name one professional sport that doesn't require speed, agility, or strength. For any serious athlete, speed, agility, and strength, make up the foundation of training. But to train in all three areas you have to run, stretch consistently, and lift weights frequently, unless of course you do plyo-metric exercises. But before I begin describing plyometrics, it is important that I stress that plyo-metrics do not take the place of running, stretching, and weight training, yet they help enhance the results. Plyo-metrics were developed in Eastern Europe for Olympic competitors. The words plyo and metrics are Latin for "measurable increases."
All plyo-metric exercises are done quickly and correctly. There are never any shortcuts. Every action is done with the intent to have a muscle reach full movement as quickly as possible. I'll be straight up with you, if you do plyo-metrics consistently and correctly you will see results… its that simple.
Get results, Burn the calories
Studies show that plyo’s show considerable improvement in individuals not training for athletic competition. So in general they are good for everyone right? Well, like everything else it depends on your goal and the realistic nature of the individual’s physical condition. Someone who had mobility issues and or ailments should be introduced to a treadmill rather than jumping up as high as they can. There are many exercise programs that have plyos apart of their program, but certain people should only do plyos if they are capable of doing so. If your goal is to improve coordination, burn fat improve over-all strength, and do not have any physical conditions that prevent normal mobility, then you should consider doing plyos.
So is it just for athletes? Not necessarily. Explosive movements that involve the individual to excrete maximal amounts of energy over a short duration have shown to be more effective burning calories than jumping on that elliptical machine for an hour.
OK, now that you know about what plyo-metrics are, and what they can do, now lets identify a plyo-metric workout you can try for yourself. The first thing you have to consider is "What is your main goal?" Do you want to cut down on you hundred times, throw the shot-put further, jump higher for volleyball, or just incorporate something new into your routine?
Once you define what and how you want to incorporate Plyo-metrics into your program by looking at what your goals are, its easy to make the transition. As an example, track and field bounding and short sprints will improve your hundred time, track and field throwing, or plyo-metric pushups will improve your shot-put, and obviously broad jumping or power skip exercises will help you jump higher for basketball or volleyball.
Here are a few examples of some different type of Plyo-metrics.
Box Jumps (Volley Ball, Basketball, Football)
Box Jumps require short, quick burst of lower body power. Typically athletes who are striving for lower body peak power incorporate Box Jumps into their routine.
Single leg Box Jumps (Track and Field Triple Jump, Sprinters)
Single leg box jumps are very good for developing speed and accuracy independently on each leg. The arm swing is especially important in this movement. This is more of an advanced exercise so use caution when trying it for the first time.
Are You Ready?
Plyo-Metrics should typically be executed before a strength or resistance program. If your muscle are pre-exhausted before hand, you are not going get the full benefit of doing plyos.
Give me something to do!
Box Jumps - 3x10
Single Leg Box Jumps - 1x15 each leg
Power Skips - 3x15 each leg
Plyo-Pushups - 3x6