Summer Super Foods
Jun 13, 2011

Chelsea Cruz Gives her Super Food Picks for staying in shape this summer
Summer Super Foods
Seasonal eating is one of the best ways to energize your body with the vitamins, minerals, and the nutrients it needs to fuel your workouts and day to day activities, as well as boost immunity, and prevent pre-mature aging. Not only do the warm summer months bring clear skies and sunshine, they provide some of the most delicious and nutritious foods of the year.Follow this Summer Super Food Guideline to boost immunity, melt away fat, and energize your long summer days!
1. Blueberries:
Just a single cup of blueberries contains only 80 calories, and every serving is loaded with antioxidants to protect against free-radicals, vitamin C for immune support, and fiber to keep you full. Plus, they taste so delicious and sweet it's hard to believe they're so healthy and good for you!Best time to eat: June- August
Recipe Ideas:
A. Freeze a container of blueberries for a tasty and refreshing treat to cool you down during the summer heat.
B. In a blender mix: One cup of blueberries, a cup of non-fat Greek yogurt, a handful of ice cubes, ½ banana, and a scoop of SCI FIT VANILLA PROTA-LYN for a tasty, low-calorie, protein smoothie.
2. Watermelon
Watermelon is one of the best summer foods to keep you hydrated when you’re outside playing at the beach, parks, and picnics during the summer heat. A cup of watermelon contains only 46 calories, and plenty of vitamin C and A. Because watermelon contains so much water, you will feel fuller and be less likely to fill up on other high fat and high sugar items that seem to sabotage so many bikini bods.Best time to eat: May- August
Recipes Ideas:
A. This is fruit is so delicious, it’s best when enjoyed simply… cut and chill, enjoy all summer.
B. Watermelon salsa: Mix together, 2 cups chopped watermelon, ½ chopped onion, minced jalepeno, 2 garlic cloves, 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar, chopped cilantro and salt to taste.
3. Beets
Beets are so good for you for so many reasons. Beets provide vitamin C, fiber, folate, and a cup of beets contains only 58 calories. Beets contain nutrients that enhance the body at a cellular level, providing mitochondrial support, helping electrical functions, and providing nutrients needed for DNA synthesis. Despite the low calories, beets have a higher sugar content compared to most veggies, so they can be used to add sweetness to juices and soups.Best time to eat: June - October
Recipe ideas:
Roast beets and serve with spinach and salad greens. Mix in goat cheese and tomatoes, then drizzle with olive oil and red wine vinegar for a healthy and delicious salad.
4. Red Bell Pepper
One whole bell pepper has only 30 calories, but provides 140% of your RDA of Vitamin A. Plus, with a delicious, tangy, sweet flavor, red peppers mix perfectly with salads, dips, salsas, stir-frys and more!Best time to eat: August - October
Recipe ideas:
Slice a fresh red pepper, and dip in a garlic hummus for a delicious light summer lunch or snack. This recipe will save you hundreds of calories by ditching the chips and sour cream dip.
5. Strawberries
Half a cup of fresh summer strawberries is only 49 calories, but provides 3 grams of fiber and a healthy dose of immune boosting vitamin C. Plus, snacking on a bowl of strawberries will fill you up with nutrients while satisfying your sweet tooth to avoid a high sugar, high fat ice cream cone during a hot summer day.Best time to eat: May - June
Recipe ideas:
A. Strawberry oatmeal: Mix together ½ c oats, 5 large chopped strawberries, ½ scoop vanilla SCI FIT protein powder, and a dash of cinnamon. This recipe will start your day off right.B. Combine with sliced mango, non-fat vanilla Greek yogurt, and a scoop of SCI FIT Prota-lyn for a delicious and healthy body building smoothie.
Team SciFit Chelsea Cruz