Building Bigger Legs

Get Gladiator Style Legs
So you go to the gym.
Good for you. You can bench press and do curls. That’s great! My question for you is, “What do you have in the way of wheels?” I’m a guy. I understand the fun in working the upper body for sure. Guys love working upper body; but, let’s face it…legs are essential. If you are looking to improve your upper body you need to do legs! “What?!” you ask! Truth be told, massive leg training days will increase your TESTOSTERONE levels and GROWTH HORMONE levels naturally! What does that mean for you? Increased TEST and GH will improve everything you do in the weight room and consequently in the bedroom. You will get stronger and grow all over if you do solid peg bashing leg workouts. So, if you want to grow bigger arms, chest, back AND legs…
If you’re listening you are already convinced that YOU NEED TO DO LEGS. The question begs: “What kind of program should you do?” You can find literally tons of workouts for your legs all over. Some are super boring while others are ridiculously over inundated with randomness that they are more of a circus routine than a massive wheel building power generating workout. Lucky for you I have put together the perfect balance to build ripped sinewy legs that look to be chiseled from fine Italian marble.
In case you aren’t fully convinced one more argument! You’ll also build an ass. Don’t be fooled into thinking only men are looking for a great rear on a woman. Women are looking for a shapely rump on her man or maybe better stated…a woman will notice a man with a great athletic rear! Hey, I’m just sayin’. This program will give you all the tools you need to develop all of the above. Take it for what it’s worth!
The Program:
General Warm-up
- 5 Minutes
Musculature Specific Warm-up
- High Knees
- Butt Kicks
- Mini Jumps
Squat Jumps
Broad Jumps
Cycled Split Jumps
Standing Forward/Backward Lunges
3x10 (one rep is forward and back it’s a 2 for 1)
Good Mornings
Leg Extensions
Leg Curls
Leg Press
Seated Calf Raise
Single Leg Calf Raise
1 set MAX Reps
Standing Calf Raise
General Warm-up
5 Minutes
Before beginning any lifting program it is important to warm-up. This preps the muscles and helps prevent injury. A good warm-up will let you get the most out of your workout. You will clear your mind of all out of the gym distractions and focus your mind on your upcoming workout. Five minutes of jogging will be perfect to precede your leg trashing workout you’re about to jump into. You can do the jog outside or on the treadmill…either way just make it happen!
Musculature Specific Warm-up
This being a high-octane leg workout it is imperative to prep the legs with some more warm-ups specific to the style of training you are about to do. Do two 15 second sets of High Knees, Butt Kicks and Mini Jumps.
- High Knees
Focus on picking up your knees nice and high and staying on the balls of your feet, all the while pumping your arms in a runner’s fashion.
Butt Kicks
Flick your heels up to your rear and pump your arms. This is a great way to thoroughly warm up your hamstrings and stretch your quads.
- Mini Jumps
Perform basic vertical jumps at 50% effort. This is to warm up your calves and get your knees and ankles ready for the intense jumps and lift about to ensue!
Plyometric Workout Segment
Chances are you have done some squatting or leg pressing. That’s good but not good enough if you want to get great results. You have been neglecting your “fast-twitch” muscle fiber. So in essence, you have been getting half of the results you deserve. The trick to getting all of the results is to add training that is specific for “fast-twitch, aka: Type 2” fibers. That is precisely where plyometric training comes into play. Plyometric training involves exercises that used 100% of your effort for short bursts. This is an ideal state for muscle hypertrophy (muscle growth) for that elusive Type 2 muscle fiber. The following three exercises will supercharge your leg program helping you build an athletic physique from head to feet!
Squat Jumps
The Squat Jump is just as it sounds. Stand in place feet at shoulder width and jump as high straight up as you can. Imagine trying to touch a basketball rim that is just out of reach with each jump. Jumping AS HIGH as you can is imperative to getting the most out of plyos. If you aren’t going at 100% effort you may as well not do plyos. Are we clear? 100% effort, period! When landing in squat jumps absorb the landing with the muscles avoiding jarring in the joints. As soon as you land recoil and jump right into the next rep. This recoil (load/explode) phase is also instrumental to the positive effect you will get from plyos so do it right!
Note: make sure your knees don’t dip inward this is common and over time can cause knee issues.
Knock out your three sets with about 45-60 seconds rest between them and move on to the next exercise.
Broad Jumps
Similarly to the Squat Jump, in the Broad Jump each jump is of maximal effort. Here however, instead of jumping straight up, you will be jumping as far forward as possible with each jump. Hopefully you will have a strip of room to work with so you can go from one rep right into the next. This again trains the load/explode phase for maximal results. If you are working in limited space you can jump forward and turn around and jump back to the start point for similar results. This is a great exercise to build explosive power in the lower and full body for that matter. You will see that the swing of your arms is vital for maximal distance and full explosion. As you jump forward your arms will reach out in front pulling you forward. Never underestimate how interconnected each system in your body is in creating force for any other system. After your three sets you are ready for the next exercise.
Cycled Split Jumps
This exercise is reminiscent of a lunge. This is a great exercise to improve your vertical jump and sprint power. During the Cycled Split Jump you will be jumping from a split stance as high as possible. As you land your feet are switching position. Start with your right foot in front and left back. Jump as high as possible and land with your left foot in front and your right foot back. Upon landing load and explode right back into the next rep. Repeat for six reps with each foot forward. This will be a total of 12 jumps with alternating feet forward.
Note: Be aware not to let the knee of your front leg shoot past the toe of the same leg and also do not let the knee of your back leg hit the ground.
As in the previous two exercises, your arms will be swinging to help provide power when reaching for maximal height. Knock out your three sets with 45-60 seconds rest between the sets.
Weight Training Segment
Standing Forward/Backward Lunges (with Barbell)
3x10 (one rep is forward and back it’s a 2 for 1)
This is a great exercise for the legs and glutes. Place a barbell on your back and step back from the rack feet facing forward and shoulder width. This is your “top position.” Plant one foot in place (this will be your stationary leg.) Your other foot is your travel leg for this set. Step forward with the travel foot and lunge down. Press back to top position. Then step back with the travel leg and lunge down again. Press back forward to top position. Repeat for 10 full rounds. That’s a total of 20 lunges, ten forward and ten backward. Then switch which leg is stationary and which is the travel leg. This will burn like mad in the quads and glutes. Tough? Too bad, man up and get through all three sets. This is the perfect combo for the quads and glutes. Now that they are burnt it’s time to focus on the back of the legs. Hammy time!
Good Mornings
For your hamstrings we are going to do Good Mornings. You can use the same weight as you did for the lunges. The barbell is placed on your upper back and you step back from the rack. Keep a slight bend in the knees and a solid arch in the back.
Note: Maintaining an arch in the back is ESSENTIAL to avoid back injury.
Bend forward at the waist as the hips drop back slightly. You are going for a solid stretch feeling in the hamstrings. This isn’t about how far down your bend…it’s about that great stretch in the back of the legs. Maintaining proper alignment in the spine will help you get the desired outcome. Don’t cheat! Keep that back arched and get maximum results! After your three sets you are ready to move on.
Leg Extensions
You have done tons of work already on multi-joint compound movements, now it’s time to focus on individual muscle groups for a couple exercises. First is the standard leg extension. Sit on the machine and do it. If you don’t know how it works ask someone. Superset this exercise with the next exercise the Leg Curl. The leg extension is a great way to carve out the definition in the quadriceps.
Leg Curls
Superset this with the previous exercise the Leg Extension. If you don’t know how to use the Leg curl ask someone or Google it! This is an awesome exercise to pump up the back of the legs. This is the perfect answer to the leg extension when it comes to keeping your physique in perfect balance and symmetry.
Leg Press
Now your upper legs and glutes are completely on fire…but no rest for the weary. Let’s finish them with one more compound movement. The old school leg press is back baby! A squat is possible in place of this just be cautious because you are fatigued at this point and need to be extra careful to protect the back during this phase of the workout. For this reason I have chosen the Leg press. This is three DEEP sets of leg press. Your weight load should be moderate to heavy as the sets progress. You are finishing up the hardest part of the workout so don’t bitch out! Once you have finished the three sets it is time to hit the calves to round out the leg workout.
Seated Calf Raise
During the plyo portion of the workout your calves already got some good work; but, now it’s time to finish them off! Sit in the seated calf raise machine and get your three sets in. Full range of motion is necessary to get full benefit. Stretch at the bottom of each rep and squeeze at the top. Take a 45-60 second rest between sets. Do your three sets and move on.
Single Leg Calf Raise
1 set MAX Reps
Now that the calves are burning you are going to do one set each leg of bodyweight calf raises. Stand on the edge of a ledge and rep it out. This better burn…if it doesn’t just forget it. Step up to the challenge and make it work for you. Use full range of motion on every rep…then when you can’t do any more full range, do 10 mini-reps. That’s right I’m letting you do something other than full range this once. This is to pump extra blood into the area. Love the burn! Switch legs and repeat.
Standing Calf Raise
Final Exercise! Get into the standing calf raise machine (if this is unavailable you can use the leg press instead). Three calves-to-cows sets here. Stretch/Squeeze/Burn/Grow! You know how to do this. Knock out your three big sets!
You did it…or if you just read this and haven’t yet, DO IT! This program will make your legs grow as well as the rest of your body. Fast twitch, slow twitch, stamina, and athletic/performance improvement will come from doing this workout consistently. You are going to love what this does for you in ALL aspects of your fitness if you catch my drift! Do this program 1-2 times per week depending on your schedule and how long your body takes to recover and you will get results. Better Legs, Better Performance, Better Body, Period!
Ian Lauer CSCS