Deadlift Insanity

Apr 08, 2013
Deadlift Insanity

The one way to be certain you have all the facts on the deadlift

The Deadlift

Other than squats, the deadlift is considered to rank high in the almighty elite of exercises done or performed in the gym. They have been a staple lift for hardcore Gym enthusiasts and have since been popularized in the mainstream as of late mainly because of the popularity of crossfit and other would be subculture training systems.

However you think deadlifts have come back into the game as a main attraction for the basis of a hard gainers program, what you may not realize is that this movement is not just for the serious gym rat.

We are all made the same bio-mechanically.

What does that mean? It means that as a whole we all have similar functions of movement and adaptability to exercise and perform at our best in a very similar way. Just because deadlifts may be the one exercise you see the "hardcore gym rat" doing, does not mean that because you may not consider yourself in the same category, you should strike this off of your list of "to-do's". Quite the opposite. If you are one of the individuals in the gym who are serious, and who want to look like those who are in great shape, and are fearful of doing certain things you might not consider because of confidence, then I am speaking directly to you. Those folks you see who have command presence in the gym don't look the way they do because they are doing an hour on the eliptical.

The facts

The fact is that because deadlifts involve so many muscles to effectively lift the weight they are a tremendously beneficial exercise. Lets go down the list.

Deadlifts involve many muscle groups, but the educated individuals and ones who have seen the research would tell you that the deadlift is categorized as a Leg Exercise NOT Back. Even though yes, Deadlifts do invlove the lower erectors and rhomboids to keep the spine neutral and erect, there is no lengthening and contracting of these muscles in the back if you indeed are doing it correctly. These muscles are static and tense, but there is no shortening and lengthening of these muscles during the movement to the extent that happens elsewhere. Conversely the legs, primarily the glutes, and hamstrings are shortening and lengthening during the lift. There-fore the deadlift is in fact a LEG exercise. However you categorize it, techinique is the MOST important part of doing deadlifts.

The Problem

The problem is that most people think that a simple 2-3 feet of lifting a bar straight up is one of the simplest of exercises to do. I see MANY would be "self-proclaimed" gym experts touting around the gym with egos bigger than the weight they are trying to lift doing this exercise incorrectly. Even the simplest of movements can be done in a way to seriously cause injury and the deadlift is at the top of the lifts done where this happens all to often.

The Solution

In the video's Below i review Exactly and precisely how to do the deadlift and give additional support of other techiniques as to the differences between different versiosn as well as how to include and add even greater benefits when attempting this exercise

The Workout

The workout for this feature on the Deadlifts, I call Deadlift Insanity. Why give it such a name. As the name implies The workout is INSANE. The goal here with this workout is to work through the week doing deadlifts every 3 days. Unlike maxing the amount of load (weight) like you normally would when you do deadlifts, you are focused more on the total VOLUME of work done. That means if you add up all the number of repetitions and the weight used for the deadlift through the workout, that will give you the volume. The Goal with this workout is to maximize the Volume more than just a typical set and rep scheme worked into the traditional way to build deadlifts into a workout. This program will help you gain serious strength and overall gains in all the other areas of the body, but using the deadlift as the foundation. Since it involves many muscle groups when you do deads, I have precisely built this workout to include the deadlifts in and around certain times and sets as well as rep schemes to challenge you even further. For example When you Train arms, i have you also super setting Deadlifts. Sounds crazy? Its Not, It's INSANE and when you try it you will see exaclty why and how much more pumped and fatigued your arms become as a result.

Trust the workout and try it for just one day. I guarantee after the first week this will be one workout you may just swap for all the others every time you train.

To create your own workouts like this below make sure to use the member Create Workout Feature and creat these plans just as I do on the site 100% Free. The nice thing about this is that when you create your workout you can then bring the same workout you just created, up on the Iphone and Droid apps. The next thing you know you are no longer writing workouts down on paper in the gym. Simply take out your phone and get to work.

Take care,
Mike McErlane

Week 1

Day 1

Exercise Sets Reps Muscle Group
Barbell Deadlift 3 3 Legs
Barbell Walking Lunge 3 6 Legs
Barbell Deadlift 3 10 Legs
Dumbbell Straight Legged Deadlift 3 8 Legs
Barbell Deadlift 3 5 Legs
Prone Machine Leg Curl Both Legs 3 12 Legs
Barbell Deadlift 3 3 Legs
Standing Bicep Curl Barbell Both Arms 6 10 Arms
Barbell Deadlift 6 5 Legs
Standing Kickbacks Both Arms With Band 6 20 Arms
Barbell Deadlift 6 3 Legs
V-Ups With No Equipment 3 20 Abs

Day 2

Exercise Sets Reps Muscle Group
Barbell Bench Press On Bench 3 6 Chest
Step Ups Alternating Legs 3 30 Legs
Dumbbell Bench Press On Ball Both Arms 3 12 Chest
Tri-Set 0 0 TIPS
Ball Push Ups Ball On Ground 3 8 Chest
Tri-Set 0 0 TIPS
Jump Rope 3 30 Cardio
Standing Mid Cable Flys Both Arms 3 10 Chest
Standing High Cable Flys Both Arms 3 8 Chest
Dumbbell Power Row 3 5 Back
Seated On Bench Bar Lat Pulldowns 3 5 Back
Reverse Grip Lat Pulldowns 3 5 Back
Reverse Crunch/ Leg Lifts 3 10 Abs
Decline Crunch 3 20 Abs

Day 3

Exercise Sets Reps Muscle Group
Barbell Deadlift 3 5 Legs
Step Ups Alternating Legs 3 10 Legs
Seated On Bench Barbell Military Press With Band 3 8 Shoulders
Barbell Deadlift 3 10 Legs
Standing Dumbbell Side Raise Both Arms 3 6 Shoulders
Standing Barbell Upright Row 3 6 Shoulders
Pull-Up/ Chin 3 5 Back
Barbell Deadlift 3 8 Legs
Standing Bicep Curl With Band Alternating Arms 5 15 Arms
Standing Cable Triceps Extension Both Arms 5 15 Arms
Dips 4 10 Chest
Seated Barbell Biceps Curl 4 10 Arms
Laying On Ball Abdominal Crunch With Cable 5 25 Abs
Barbell Deadlift 1 0 Legs

Day 4

Exercise Sets Reps Muscle Group
Power Pull/ High Pull 3 10 Olympic Lifts
Seated On Bench Bar Lat Pulldowns 3 12 Back
Seated Cable Row 3 15 Back
Step Ups Alternating Legs 3 10 Legs
Smith Machine Incline Bench Press 3 8,-10 Chest
Barbell Bent Over Wide Grip Rows Both Arms 3 6 Back
Machine Chest Press 4 15 Chest
Standing Low Cable Flys Both Arms 4 15 Chest
Laying on Ball Dumbbell Prone Cobras 3 15 Back
Ball Push Ups Feet Elevated 3 12 Chest
V-Ups With No Equipment 3 12 Abs
Laying On Ball Abdominal Crunch With Dumbbell 3 25 Abs

Day 5

Exercise Sets Reps Muscle Group
Barbell Deadlift 3 6 Legs
Barbell Squat With Band 3 20 Legs
Adductor Side Steps 3 20 Legs
Barbell Deadlift 3 8 Legs
Step Ups Alternating Legs 3 5 Legs
Prone Machine Leg Curl Both Legs 3 10 Legs
Barbell Deadlift 3 10 Legs
Standing Bicep Curl With Band Alternating Arms 6 30 Arms
Standing Cable Triceps Extension Both Arms 6 25 Arms
Bent Over Cable Crunch 3 15 Abs
Decline Crunch 3 15 Abs

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