Redefining The Squat

Jul 12, 2012
Redefining The Squat

In this article Anthony Diluglio and Myself Mike McErlane tackle different variations of the Squat

Every Now and then I like to mix up the versions of traditional movements with more "unconventional" movements that offer similar benefits, yes, but in most cases can alter the way the muscles contract and fire al-together.

Traditionally most are familiar with the Squat. Just by hearing the term you think KING of all exercises and the use of a barbell. The Barbell squat cannot be un-crowned for sure, however, what can be done is to include other movements to stimulate the muscles involved in a squat differently than what a barbell back squat offers.

In the below videos I review one version that I absolutely love, even the beginner who has never done Legs before can do quite easily, yet the most advanced of lifters can find quite challenging.

As if I couldn't give you more to digest My good friend Anthony Diluglio from Art Of Strength shares the Suspended Squat which offers even more of a benefit because of the overwhelming CORE activation that results from the Suspended squat. Now I know not everyone has a suspension Training System, but you can get creative with a rope or if you prefer I HIGHLY recommend his Art Of Strength Suspension Training Systems to check out.

Either way I hope you incorporate these movements into your workout and if you have trouble understanding how to do just that, Fear not, as I wrote a workout for you to try using these two movements.

Take care,
Mike McErlane

Week 1

Day 1

Exercise Sets Reps Muscle Group
Machine Leg Press Both Legs 3 12 Legs
Barbell Squat With Band 3 12 Legs
Ball Squat 3 12 Legs
Suspended Squats 3 12 Legs
Machine Leg Press Both Legs 1 20 Legs

Week 2

Day 1

Exercise Sets Reps Muscle Group
Machine Leg Press Both Legs 3 10 Legs
Barbell Squat With Band 3 10 Legs
Ball Squat 3 10 Legs
Suspended Squats 3 10 Legs
Machine Leg Press Both Legs 1 20 Legs

Week 3

Day 1

Exercise Sets Reps Muscle Group
Machine Leg Press Both Legs 3 8 Legs
Barbell Squat With Band 3 8 Legs
Ball Squat 3 8 Legs
Suspended Squats 3 8 Legs
Machine Leg Press Both Legs 1 20 Legs

Week 4

Day 1

Exercise Sets Reps Muscle Group
Machine Leg Press Both Legs 3 6 Legs
Barbell Squat 3 6 Legs
Ball Squat 3 6 Legs
Suspended Squats 3 6 Legs
Machine Leg Press Both Legs 1 20 Legs

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