Targeting The Shoulders Correctly- Workout

Jan 10, 2012
Targeting The Shoulders Correctly- Workout

Get the shoulders you have always wanted.

I was at the gym the other day and saw a few of the local High School kids over on the Power rack doing what seemed to be Upright Rows.

After a brief conversation of asking them what muscles they were hitting and intending on working, i was received with just a bunch of blank stares. Of course to my suspicion no one on their Football coaching staff informed these youngsters of proper technique. (You should have seen them attempting Power Cleans, but I'll save that for another feature).

Either way I realized that this particular exercise is very popular when individuals train shoulders yet many truly do not know how to perform the technique correctly in order to achieve results.

In the below video I go through this exercise and give a complete program to follow below.

I Hope you all enjoy,
Take care,
Mike McErlane

Exercise Sets Reps Muscle Group
Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Press Both Arms 4 12 Shoulders
Standing Dumbbell Side Raise Both Arms 4 8 Shoulders
Tri-Set 0 0 TIPS
Standing Dumbbell Front Raise Both Arms 4 8 Shoulders
Tri-Set 0 0 TIPS
Standing Barbell Upright Row 4 8 Shoulders
Standing Barbell Military Press 4 10 Shoulders
Standing Barbell Shrugs With Band 4 15 Shoulders

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