Workout 101 - Unilateral Movements
One of the major obstacles that may come up when individuals train is when one body part becomes naturally stronger and bigger than the other. This is known in simple terms as a Strength Imbalance. To understand in even simpler terms its when one side of your body or limb is stronger than the other. Typically your more dominant side is the culprit when this occurs. Fear not, as this is very common and there are ways to overcome this obstacle. In the Below video Mike demonstrates one way to overcome a strength imbalance in the chest. So make sure to watch and if you need a program to help, well we made sure to give you one as well. See below. Last but not least if you want more information and custom plans, be sure to login or sign up and create your account. The Trainer is FREE with an optional upgrade to get more advanced features and also helps us continue to offer more content and information from our beloved staff of experts.

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